Unite is an exhibition being organised by craftscotland, our friendly Scottish agency for crafts, and the Collins Gallery, an equally friendly Scottish gallery which has a particular slant towards craft. I’ve posted about some of the Collins’ exhibitions in the past, such as these sashiko textiles from Japan or the felt namads from Iran.
What makes me especially excited about the forthcoming Unite exhibition is that yours truly has been selected to take part in it. Yes, really. You can see the list of participants here. And looking at that list scares the living daylights out of me, as I’m going to be keeping company with some very illustrious names. However, that is largely the point of Unite — that it unites the newbies and the well-established masters, as well as the weavers and the glassblowers, the potters and the jewellers, and so on. The blurb says that “The makers have been chosen to showcase a range of work and styles across craft mediums, to champion the quality and diversity of Scottish craft and inspire audiences.” So even if I wasn’t in it, I would definitely be going to see it, because that is exactly the sort of exhibition I enjoy. Plus I do my day job in a building less than a hundred yards away!
To save you having to do all the googling yourselves, I have looked up the websites of some of the other participants. Some I know already but many are new to me, so there’s a bit of pre-excitement excitement in looking at the sort of work they do. I’m supposed to be busy doing other things, so I will just start you off with some of the textile artists I was able to find quite easily. The designations such as “weaver” are my own, based on what I see, and not necessarily how they would describe themselves, so if anyone wants to put me right please do so! Clearly I am biased towards calling people weavers whenever I can…
Joan Baxter, tapestry artist
Ingrid Arthur, tapestry artist
Fiona R Hutchison, also tapestries but other kinds of textile/paper art as well
Lauren Crawford, weaver
Emma Shannon, weaver
Taisir Gibreel, textile designer in print and weave
Karen MacDonald, textile artist
There, just a taste to be going on with. You’ll no doubt be hearing much, much more about this as the date (16th April) approaches.
“Unite” was posted by Cally on 26 Feb 2011 at http://callybooker.co.uk
Great! I’m tempted to go there myself, looking.
Great company – great links – have enjoyed exploring.
Sandra Rude
Congratulations! You’ll be in very good company.
Cally!! Congratulations! That’s really great. Lots of fun stuff to explore in those links, too – thanks!
Cally, you SO deserve it! And you belong in the illustrious company, so own it!
neki rivera
that’wonderful Cally, congrats.!!
thanks for the links. Joan and i were together in a group at one time.
Thanks, everyone. You’re all invited 🙂