I’ve made a start! A new lambswool warp in grey, green and yellow.
It seemed to take me forever to thread − not really sure why, just having a slow day I think. But it’s on and I just managed to start weaving before I finished a bit early on Thursday for a long weekend with family. I didn’t photograph the little woven sliver, but it was enough to make me feel that I was into the next stage and ready to progress on Monday morning.
Yesterday we went to part of the ‘Schubertiad’ at the East Neuk Festival. We haven’t been for several years and the festival is a lot bigger and grander than it used to be (with the expected effect on ticket prices, unfortunately), but it is still a lovely event and at the heart of it are the concerts in small parish churches. This is the size of concert I really enjoy. I am not such a great fan of big orchestral events, but I love chamber music and small-scale events. Schubert’s Piano Trio in B flat was a delight. As was the fish supper afterwards.
“New warp” was posted by Cally on 6 July 2014 at http://callybooker.co.uk
I love the color combo – very fresh!
The Real Person!
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Thanks Lisa – I have had these colours on my mind for a while and it is great to get them on the loom!
neki rivera
that new warp looks indecently beautiful