And the end of the university year, so all my teaching and marking in that capacity is finally drawing to a close. This week I have demolished the last of the marking mountains and there are just a few small tasks left to do during September. In fact, those will be my last uni tasks for 2014 as I don’t start teaching again until February, having said a firm NO to another offer for the autumn. While I will miss the students I have been working with, especially the distance learners, I am looking forward to a period of juggling fewer things. At least, I would be if I really believed that was going to happen! Let’s wait and see. My hope is for an autumn/winter season truly focused on my weaving practice.
I have a whole lot on the loom still to be woven, but much of the 4CDW fabric is now on the cutting table.
The Perthshire Open Studios Showcase exhibition is now open at the Bield: all the details are here.
And the lavender is covered in bees. I counted ten when I took the picture, although in it I can only see one clearly. They’re there, honest.
“Towards the end of the summer” was posted by Cally on 31 Aug 2014 at