
Introducing Fresco…


Layers of colour mixed with shades of grey, inspired by graffiti on the concrete of the skatepark. I’m delighted with the way they fit right in to the city!

We took these first cushions to one of my favourite paint-peeled benches for a spot of Fresco al fresco. (We’re easily amused.)

Fresco 3

Yes, people did stop and ask, “Are you really photographing a bench?”

We said “Yes, but it’s a bench with cushions. That’s an entirely different thing.”

From a distance they look like cool urban types, but up close they are soft and fluffy as lambs.

Fresco 5

These boys and some of their cousins have already moved into Kirkside Studio ready for the Open Studios which begins tomorrow.

Fresco!” was posted by Cally on 5 Sept 2014 at

Creative Commons License

8 Responses

  1. Laurie Mrvos

    These are absolutely gorgeous. I’ve been loving this series.

  2. Martha

    Cally, what beautiful cushions. Love the new soft lambswool softness and the edgy patterns, very cool.

  3. Margery

    Oh my, that lucky bench! Nicely done, Cally.

  4. Vicki

    These are so beautiful. They really enhance that bench!

  5. Sandra Rude

    That bench never looked so good! The cushions are wonderful.

  6. MegWeaves

    LOVE LOVE LOVE. Hey, I’ve been sick for a week, hint, hint. But seriously, the website says 3-500 pounds I hope these are not on the low side.

  7. Cally

    Hint noted, Meg! Pricing is always such a vexing thing, isn’t it? Most of my items in the POS event are in the £100 – £200 range, but you never know who is going to visit and whether your work will be appropriate to their budget. I haven’t had time this year to make many small items, like the covered buttons, which is a shame.

    Thanks everyone for the cushion love: they send soft hugs to you all.

  8. neki rivera

    pretty triplets