My body got here this morning, not ‘fresh’ off the sleeper but quite the opposite – it was not an especially comfortable night! So I feel as though my head hasn’t caught up yet and that I’ll need another night’s sleep before I am fully home. It’s been a very busy week, including (but not limited to)
A shopping trip to Handweavers Studio
An exhibition on Constable at the V & A, which was fascinating for an ignoramus such as myself because it was all about the way he learned his craft and developed his own style – I really recommend this if you are going to be in London before mid-January
A flying visit to the Turbine Hall in Tate Modern to see a piece by Richard Tuttle which my friend and I decided we didn’t like much at all
A day studying multi shaft huck with Jette Vandermeiden and a host of other Complex Weavers (followed by a very enjoyable dinner, where both the wine and the handwoven samples flowed freely)
Much chat with lovely friends
And a chance to catch up with my godson who is suddenly a whole lot taller than I am.
We also took a walk to see the poppies at the Tower of London, which are almost complete. My photos don’t compare with the ones you can see in the press, but I can give you a wee peak at the stack of poppies which aren’t yet on display. This was the pile of boxes as of Wednesday morning – and if, as it appears, there is one poppy in each little compartment, then we reckoned there must be nearly 30,000 here.
Sadly, though, we didn’t see any planted: I guess they were taking a coffee break.
“Almost home” was posted by Cally on 7 Nov 2014 at
Susan Harvey
Its quite a moving display especially when you think they represent a person who died. I had family that served in Britain’s military in WW1 and so we have bought a poppy. Its the one in the middle…
🙂 Susan
Susan Harvey
PS That would be each flower represents a person who died…. Apparently my head is off on vacation too.
“off the sleeper” – be thankful there *are* sleepers!
Apparently, as of now (yesterday or the day before) there are NO sleepers from Denmark -> south anymore. (The sleepers inside Sweden have been gone several years, The long-distance sleepers of my childhood (Stockholm -> Rome on a direct wagon ( I think the wagon “changed trains”, but we didn’t have to get off) have been gone a lot longer)
Kerstin, always nostalgic for the long train-rides of my youth – AND for the times when trains were on time!
Ok, I’ll be thankful! I could be a bit more, though, if sleeping were actually possible…
Hi Cally,
A lot of the comments re the Tate Modern show have made me rather cross, along the lines of how textiles have somehow suddenly become recognised as works of art by means of this exhibit. Spit, to be honest.
Spit, indeed. I guess they don’t get out much? Out of their art box, that is.