It’s small – very small, even – but it’s online and it’s a shop: the Bonny Claith online shop no less. You can find it here or via the Where to Buy menu above. To start with I have added a few of my favourite recent scarves, just in time for any thoughts you may be having about Christmas…
At the moment I can only handle UK shipping automatically (which I’m offering free, by the way, to keep it easy for all of us), but if you are somewhere else and wish to buy, just drop me a line and I can give you a quote for P & P. There is much tweaking and tinkering still to come, for which I apologise in advance.
I had a great day at the Tea Green Makers Market on Sunday, which was my last event of 2014 so it was good to end on a high note. I had some new work with me, thanks to Judith MacDowall of Just Judith Design, who has been combining some of my small pieces of fabric with recycled denim to make purses and bags. The results are really cute and were much admired, but have not yet gone to good homes, so I still get to enjoy them for a while.
I never did weave a scarf in that blue-green-orange combo at the top – I wove quite a long piece just to use up a bobbin, if I recall – but now I see the bag I really wish I had! I’m not sure I have enough of those greens left though.
“Online shop now open!” was posted by Cally on 9 Dec 2014 at
The link from Where to Buy is a little small thought I… Hard to see…
Hmmm, good point… I need to add a link to the main Where to Buy page as well – at the moment it is only in the sidebar, where it probably won’t get noticed. I could have a separate entry in the main menu, but the poor old thing is getting a bit crowded – maybe I just need a bigger font for the submenus. So many decisions!
Looks great, love the rotating images.