I was trying to do a thing that didn’t really work, but I got these instead.
Two very simple threadings on 8 shafts, interleaved and woven in blocks with a point treadling. Each little block has quite a distinctive design. Above is what I would have called the ‘right’ side, where the warp colours (brown and light blue) appear quite strongly. On the ‘wrong’ side (below) the off-white weft is more evident and in this design I like it very much.
I’m going to try scaling up the size of the blocks next as these are quite tiny.
By now many of you will have seen the bulletin from Complex Weavers
so you’ll know about my new role. It is not one I really wanted − and the circumstances are far from what anyone would have wanted − but, thankfully, CW is an organisation filled with capable people who are all rallying round.
“Patchwork” was posted by Cally on 7 Jan 2015 at http://callybooker.co.uk
That’s lovely!
Cally, is the weaving draft turned taquete? Although, you did not plan on becoming President of CW – you will be a smashing success!
I like the patchwork effect! Unfortunate circumstances to bring the change in leadership, but you will do very well as the new CW President.
Sandra Rude
You’ll do just as well as our new CW President as you always do with your weaving! In other words, fantastic. I’ve written separately to Richard and Chris.
Very beautiful – I love the colours and the fine detail.
So, President Cally Booker, PhD. Are we still allowed to drop by and unannounced? No, you’ll do just fine. I just found a swatch that inspired me while cleaning which looks something like your swatch and got me thinking. For me, not so much patchwork but more geometric, but I shall go find it and send you a pic! (The colors are almost exactly like yours.)
It’s not actually turned taquete, Martha, though funnily enough I am just about to try that! It’s a twill tie-up.
They’re not the usual colours I’d choose, but I really wanted a landscape that a polar bear would be happy in and I am v pleased with how they’ve worked out in this structure.
Cally, I know you were reluctant to take on such a daunting task but you will be a great President. And your patchwork weave might not have been what you were trying to achieve but it sure is cool!
neki rivera
you’ll be a great president.rest assured. the aqua (it’s aqua isn’t it?) yarn in the weave really cuts it
Paula Nobre
Hello Cally! How do you make this beautiful work I wich make your draft. thank you. I´m soory my english.
Thank you, Paula, I am so glad you like it! I am afraid I can’t share this particular draft with you as I am developing something for a client. However, once I know what I’m doing (!) I will try to post about it in a way that is useful to other weavers.
Paula Nobre
Thank`s Cally. I wish you a good week!