A Little Chaos

A Little Chaos‘ is a new film by Alan Rickman, and we had the fun of going to the Scottish premiere – complete with Q & A with the man himself! – last weekend at the Glasgow Film Festival. But it is also quite a good title for my week since then… Unfortunately, our visitors from London brought us the gift of a winter virus, and several days have just completely disappeared.

Before succumbing, I did manage to marshal my weft yarns,

crocus wefts

and even started to weave with them,

weaving crocus

but I am quite a way behind my so-called plan. Oh well. I am now vertical and should be back in the studio tomorrow.

One of the themes of the film concerns the balance of order and chaos in design: if I had any mental faculties at the moment, I might be able to reflect constructively on that…

A Little Chaos” was posted by Cally on 26 Feb 2015 at http://callybooker.co.uk

Creative Commons License

4 Responses

  1. lauraannfry

    Not fun, being under the weather. :(. Hope you are soon feeling well enough to weave and think!

  2. Margreet

    oh, know all about it. cannot get rid of mine, keeps creeping back 🙁

  3. Margreet

    meant to say, hope you are feeling better soon!

  4. Sandra Rude

    Get well soon, so you can continue weaving that gorgeous cloth!