I am never sure of the extent of St Swithun’s jurisdiction. Growing up in East Anglia, I was only too well aware of his impact on the summer weather, but whether he also governs the rest of the UK isn’t clear to me. Right now, though, I am inclined to think him a mighty saint indeed as the waters pour from the heavens…
Thank goodness for cheerful things in a wet July. This week I am thankful for
- kitten superpowers
- a fresh warp on the Delta
- lunch and a laugh with my brother
- images of Pluto
And speaking of Pluto, I’ll bet their summer is colder than ours.
“St Swithun” was posted by Cally on 18 July 2015 at http://callybooker.co.uk
Kitten superpowers (even kitten ordinary powers) are awesome! (Myself, I am watchicg chicken no-powers daily… we’ve had them “ready to lay” for 3 weeks now, no eggs, no… adventuring, such as going outside)
If it is any consolation, kittens don’t seem to be laying eggs either…