The cat tree is our only indoor tree for this year – the thought of trying to herd kittens in the presence of a Christmas tree is too much to contemplate! But we got our dose of decoration when we paid our annual visit to the House of Farnell.
We were extremely lucky in this area and only caught the tail end of ‘Desmond’, who dumped 14 inches of rain on Cumbria, but still had just enough in him to make Angus look like this:
But it was worth the drive (says I, being the passenger!) for the hot chocolate and freshly baked Danish pastries. And all the Christmassyness one could wish for.
Most of the textiles you can see there are by David Fussenegger of Austria, and they are quite moreish…
“A taste of Christmas” was posted by Cally on 8 Dec 2015 at