I made a warp of the blues and greys.
Life got in the way, so I didn’t get it on the loom until Wednesday and wove the first sample today.
It’s all single cloth. The four-colour sections are woven with a twill tie-up and there’s huck lace in the grey sections. I’m wondering about sleying the blues a little more densely, but as this piece is still hanging up to dry I’ll wait to see what it looks like tomorrow.
“New warp” was posted by Cally on 28 Jan 2016 at http://callybooker.co.uk
Barbara Scott
Nice! Feeding my current passion for lace weaves.
Denice McMechan
I really appreciate your sharing. Thank you so much!
Die Spinne
Love your sample!
Cally, beautiful work as always!
neki rivera
clever! huck& twill