
I spent the first 24 hours of this weekend with one of my tribes. It was the annual gathering of OU maths tutors in Scotland, and it is that specific intersection of attributes – the organisation (OU), the subject (maths), the role (tutors, or ALs, as we are officially) and the location (Scotland) – that makes this group My Tribe. Between us we teach a wide variety of courses, but we all have common experiences, pleasures and frustrations and for the rest of the year we mainly work alone. This is our opportunity to remind ourselves that there are Others Like Us, and it’s great. I reconnected with old friends and met others I had only known through email or not at all. Sounds like weaving, doesn’t it?

And, yes, I’ve been preparing to join one of my other tribes next week. We are trying out a poster session at Complex Weavers Seminars, so I thought I’d contribute a poster on my double huck experiments. I got it printed at Dundee Uni, and discovered – to my great excitement – that they could print it on cloth rather than paper. The intention is to make it easier to put in one’s luggage (just fold it up with the t-shirts), but could there be anything better for a weaving poster?


Tribes” was posted by Cally on 11 June 2016 at

Creative Commons License

4 Responses

  1. Sandra Rude

    Looking forward to seeing you next week! Do check in with me at some point during The Other Tribe event. I’ve got something for you. Something that can also be folded in with the Tshirts…

    • Cally

      How tantalising! Looking forward to seeing you – not long now!

  2. Sheila Carey

    What a great idea. I will REALLY miss being there to see it. Have a great time with the weaving tribe.

    • Cally

      I’m sorry you can’t be there, Sheila. But perhaps my poster can double as my study group report??