Many Strands

I’ve been hand-stitching hems on my ‘Goethe gamps‘ in the evenings while I watch the Olympic gymnasts. It’s almost as good as test cricket.

Meanwhile…. warps have been made and sent out to workshop participants.

Goethe warps

Meanwhile… students in the studio have been weaving up a storm, trying out some new structures.

purple samples

Meanwhile… I am turning these skeins into a new warp for the Megado to create some more Waterfront lace pieces.

blue skeins

Meanwhile… I’m putting a narrow linen warp on the Magic Dobby to pursue a new statistical idea.

linen warp

Many Strands” was posted by Cally on 10 August 2016 at

Creative Commons License



4 Responses

  1. Betty Bell

    Granny always told me idle hands were the Devil’s workshop … you’re up there with the Angels!! Wonderful inspiration for me.

  2. enallagma9

    A new statistical idea? I’m curious!

  3. Stephanie

    I am curious about the photo of the student samples. The black and white cloth – what is the weave structure? Well I assume it is honeycomb – as Americans call it? It appeals to me! An interesting take on it.

    • Cally

      You had me puzzled for a minute, as the colours are in fact all shades of grey and purple, but I think you must mean the cloth at the bottom of the photo? Yes, it is honeycomb, in the American sense. Or a block weave with deflected weft, since we don’t really have a name for it here!