Looking at the calendar

I’ve been beavering away to meet assorted deadlines, and now suddenly there is a breathing space. Not a very large one, mind you, but time for me to sit down with the calendar and plan what lies ahead. There are several things on the horizon in November, including a couple of highlights.

Over the weekend of the 12th and 13th I’m going to be weaving in the National Museum in Edinburgh as part of their Styling the Nation event. The two days are going to be packed with activities marking the launch of their new galleries of Art, Design and Fashion. I went down on Tuesday for a recce and I’m really excited about it. I’ll be setting up the Magic Dobby in the Grand Gallery, which is one of the city’s most fabulous spaces. So I need to get myself prepared! I’ll be taking along samples and notebooks as well as some finished work to help me explain the process of weaving, and I will also have some interactive content…

First up, though, a new linen warp tied on to the last one.


I’m not, or my knees are not, a big fan of tying on warps, especially on the Megado which is where it would be most useful. However, I’ve discovered that the Magic Dobby gives my knees plenty of room and as the castle is narrow and deep – it’s a bit like threading in a tunnel – the balance is tipped more in favour.

And from the end of November until Christmas Eve there will be another Tea Green pop-up in the Old Flour Mill, so I need to get busy with some scarves. As well as the new work I have on the go already, I’m planning a small limited edition… Not sure exactly what that will look like yet, but it has already started:


Looking at the calendar” was posted by Cally on 15 October 2016 at http://callybooker.co.uk

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