Time Passing

Last week I was away, visiting. I visited like a champ: old friends, new friends, family, cats (old and new too) – I visited them all. I stayed in three homes and had meals with seven different groups: not bad for five days. It was quite the visiting marathon, although the pace was not too hectic so I didn’t feel rushed. Well, only when I was changing trains (there was quite a lot of that) or dashing for a bus (a bit less of that).

One of my schoolfriends, whom I have known since we were 12, was celebrating her 50th birthday – a somewhat disconcerting milestone – and some major life changes, so there was good cause for all of our little group to converge on London and celebrate with her. It’s a long time since we were all in the same place (not since last century, even) but none of us are really very different from our teenage selves. A bit more confident in our own skins than we were then, which is all to the good, but otherwise much as always and still bagging the back seat upstairs on the bus.

As I am the baby of the class, I’ll be the last to achieve the half century and won’t be quite so disconcerted by the time I get there. I generally find that I get so used to the ‘new’ number over the course of all the other birthdays, that by the last couple of months I am already claiming the extra year.

I got home late on Saturday and collapsed into bed. What a joy it was that it happened to be the night the clocks went back, so I had an extra hour to sleep off my travel exertions. I love that hour and look forward to it every October, even though I don’t much care for the sudden shift towards darkness in the afternoons.

Photographically, I don’t have much to show for all my shenanigans. There was a lovely pair of swans on the Kennet & Avon canal, but I only caught one on camera…


…and I liked this garage door, next to a friend’s house in Hammersmith.


As I discovered, they have the same pattern on the plastic tea trays in the café in Finsbury Park. Now you know.

And now I am back in the studio, weaving zig-zags again. Here’s the latest colour combo.


After consulting various wise people, I decided to dye all the warps grey rather than leave them undyed. I need to get a move on as there is the limited edition to do next.

Time Passing” was posted by Cally on 1 Nov 2016 at http://callybooker.co.uk

Creative Commons License

2 Responses

  1. Sandra Rude

    Happy Birthday, when you get around to celebrating your day that brings you up-to-date with the friends. Me, I don’t count so well any more (or at least that’s the excuse). P.S. Have you and Stuart ever done a narrowboat canal cruise? We loved the Avon Ring (years ago) and still consider doing another…

    • Cally

      Thanks! Stuart has done some narrowboating but I’ve only managed day trips so far. Perhaps in the second half century??