PKN on video

OK, so I promised (threatened?) I would let you know when the videos from the Pecha Kucha Night were online, and here they are.

I said I wasn’t feeling nervous by the time I did it, but listening to the terror in my own voice I am no longer sure… I guess that’s the sound of adrenaline! Thanks again to Alice, Barbara, Janice, Sally, Stacey, Susie and Vibeke, for letting me abuse use their work in this presentation 🙂

PKN17 Cally Booker from CreativeDundee on Vimeo.

7 Responses

  1. fancythreads

    I was there and you were wonderful!

    • Cally

      Thanks, Karen!

  2. Mimi

    Verrrrrry cool, Cally. Loved seeing your presentation.

  3. Stephanie

    Wow! You are terrific. Loved the presentation.

  4. Kathleen Nystrom

    Thank you for sharing an excellent presentation, Cally! Very inspiring to see & hear about all the innovation & creativity going on.

  5. Betty Bell

    You did GREAT! Thanks so much for sharing. I really enjoyed seeing these.

  6. Alita

    Great images. Thanks for sharing