Saying Yes

In the last few years I have said a lot of No, for a number of reasons. But I decided that in 2018 I would say Yes. It is only May and I have already said a lot of Yes!

Recently I said Yes to CLOTH#18, which is a really exciting initiative from James Donald of PickOne/Concrete Wardrobe. This is a curated craft event which is all about textiles – something we just haven’t had in Scotland, but which is much needed. It is all set to take place in August during the Festival, so do follow along on the CLOTH Facebook page for more information.

But before all these summer shenanigans get started, I’m taking part in a lovely springtime event at Springfield Creative Arts in Arbroath called Limited Edition. It’s open three days from Friday 25 – Sunday 27 May, so if you’re in the area I hope you’ll pop in.

Meanwhile, my Arctic piece Lost Ice is currently winging its way over the Atlantic to Complexity, and I’m feeling a little sad that I won’t get to join it over there and catch up with my CW tribe. It’s an expensive trip and I can’t manage it this time. But I don’t think I have time to mope… better get weaving!

The megado must have picked up my sense of urgency. Today I noticed a rattling and discovered that the brake pedal was coming loose – which means I can weave faster, right?

Saying Yes” was posted by Cally on 10 May 2018 at

Creative Commons License

2 Responses

  1. Lynn S

    It won’t be the same without you, Cally!

    • Cally

      I’ll be there in spirit!