Most people probably wouldn’t classify the Megado as a simple loom, but a mechanical dobby does have a pleasing transparency to its operation. So when weaving stops dead and cords are seen trailing on the floor, it is fairly easy to identify the cause of the problem. In this case, it was a metal bracket at the back of the dobby box which had succumbed.
On the face of it, this is pretty bad news. I phoned around several Louet suppliers in the UK and nobody happened to have a spare one of these stashed on a shelf, so I had to get in touch with Louet themselves to organise a replacement and that takes a bit of time.
However, on the plus side, it is actually perfectly possible to weave on the Megado without this piece, because the dobby can be advanced by hand. It is slow and a bit awkward, and the awkwardness introduces a greater risk of error than advancing the dobby by treadle, but weaving is weaving … and when there are deadlines, slow progress is better than no progress at all. And the second plus is that a useful person – one such as S, for instance, who has patience and the relevant skills – can produce a facsimile to be going on with.
The original is of a much sturdier type than the homemade replacement, and I am not sure how long the latter will bear the forces that are placed on it by the dobby advance, but it is doing fine for now. And for the last couple of days the loom has had a wee rest, while the sewing machine has taken the strain. I have been busy turning small pieces of my Dotted Quarter fabric into purses for the imminent Craft Scotland Summer Show. More on that in another post!
“Loom drama” was posted by Cally on 30 July 2018 at
Susan Duncan
For some reason, loom drama always gives me pause in that I really must stop and think and regroup. It’s disconcerting at the time, but I find there time for reflection as to what is going well, and what I can do to attend to the drama. Thank goodness for versatility and “S”s who are able to help with solutions however temporary.
I might save my reflection until after I have met my summer deadlines 😉 As I was just commenting to Monika, however, this kind of drama does remind me of the advantages of *not* being computerised!
Lots of loom drama, both sides of the pond. ;(
Oh no! Sorry to hear that. I’m all for a boring and uneventful life in this respect.
Jane Deane
I must admit Cally, my first thought was that a mechanical dobby is at least capable of being repaired temporarily whilst awaiting the proper part. Hope the right bit comes soon – like you I have deadlines looming and am not at all sure I’m going to make them. Still, one can but try
Yes, it is a feature of this loom I have often been thankful for! Although I am starting to get a bit grumpy as there is still no sign of the proper part, and I am wondering how many nagging reminders will be required… But weavers gotta weave! I hope your deadlines don’t deliver undue stress, whether you meet them or not 🙂