La Vie en Rose

I don’t get a lot of weaving time in May, as it is a busy month for other commitments; but when I did get to the loom I was working on a warp I named La Vie en Rose.

I have been using my second warp beam with another natural-dye-painted warp threaded parallel with a plain warp. For the piece with the red weft I pegged a twill tie-up, and for the piece with the cream weft I used a turned taqueté tie-up. Then I made up a networked liftplan as I went along, which really is my favourite way to weave.

The photos below show some of the process and a glimpse of the finished pieces. A couple of weeks ago both of them took part in a photoshoot, and the results will be revealed when I relaunch my Bonny Claith website very soon…

La Vie en Rose” was posted by Cally on 23 June 2019 at

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