On Friday weavers around the world learned the very sad news that Sandra Rude had passed away in the early hours. She was a lovely person, an excellent weaver, and an inspiration to many of us. Sandra’s articles on interleaved threadings in the Complex Weavers Journal were a foundational resource for me, and she was always so generous with her knowledge.
Back in January 2011, when I was recovering from a badly sprained ankle, I took some photos at a local reservoir which was frozen over.
Sandra contacted me to ask whether she could use these images as the basis for some Jacquard weaving. She was a year or two into her Jacquard journey at that time, and was exploring different approaches to design and to finishing. It was fascinating to follow the transformation from photo to weaving as Sandra documented it on her blog. You can see the completed work here.
The original piece was sold, but the last time I saw Sandra in person she quietly handed me my own woven image as a surprise gift. It was one of the other photos in the series and I hadn’t even realised she had woven it. It is a beautiful work and something I treasure.
Quiet generosity, exceptional weaving. This little story sums up my experience of Sandra. I will miss her.
“Sandra Rude” was posted by Cally on 5 July 2020 at https://callybooker.co.uk

Thistle Rose Weaves
The weaving world will certainly miss Sandra and her lovely work. Although I never met Sandra I have followed her blog for a number of years. Her eye for detail and color always struck me as first rate. How lucky you are to have some of her work.