This time last year I was at the Dovecot Studios in Edinburgh, taking part in CLOTH#19. This year I was planning to repeat the excursion for CLOTH#20, but… we all know how that story goes.

Instead of packing up and going home, however, CLOTH has gone online and international. So now you don’t need to be in Edinburgh to visit – though there is a small exhibit at the Dovecot if you can get to it – but can drop in and say hello from anywhere in the world. There’s an amazing line-up of textile makers at CLOTH Online and I’m honoured to be part of it.

I’m also extremely relieved. The event is linked to my Bonny Claith website, where I sell my handwoven scarves, and it failed catastrophically earlier this week (taking my relationship with my hosting company crashing down with it).

By Wednesday I was getting desperate, and decided on a drastic plan B. I pressed the big red button on the old site and started over with a new domain on a new hosting provider. Thus for the time being, my site is a .com rather than a – and you can find it here – but the old link will also take you through to the new venue. I may well end up keeping both.

This site, however, is still with Old Host. I need to work out what I am going to do about that, once my stress levels have returned to baseline. If you tried to access it this past week then you may have noticed it was acting strangely. On Friday they did finally apply some remedial action, so at least I am able to come here now and write this post! Do head over and take a look at CLOTH if you can. The directory will still be there after this weekend, so you’ll know what to bookmark for your Christmas shopping.

CLOTH#20” was posted by Cally on 22 August at

Creative Commons License

2 Responses

  1. Amy

    Oh my goodness! No wonder you need a weekend or three right about now. All that stress just before Cloth#20. You never let it show!

    • Cally

      It was ridiculously stressful! And I am all the more annoyed as I had just recommended my hosting company to someone else, on the basis of their (previously) excellent and responsive customer service. Bah humbug! But plan B has bought me a little breathing space, so I am grateful for that while I plot what to do in the longer term.