Guest post roundup

I’ve been quiet here, but I’ve not been quiet everywhere! Over the last couple of months I have been ‘guest blogging’ in a few different places, so I thought I’d share some links here.

Over on the Applied Arts Scotland blog I wrote a post about the Shift Canada residency and how that work has evolved since we first started. We’re actually inching towards the end of that project now, with a revised exhibition date planned, so I hope I’ll soon be sharing more concrete information. And I’m excited that we will be sharing the finished work online – I think you’ll enjoy it.

My work with Jen on the Aural Textiles project has been on pause for a little while, but we recently met up online to kick things off again. I have added a new post to the project blog describing some of our design experiments.

Finally, Craft Scotland invited me to contribute to their online Craft Journal by reflecting on my experience of making during lockdown. Although the interview was a few weeks ago, its publication this week is quite timely. Here in Scotland many restrictions are being re-imposed or tightening up, and suddenly the winter ahead looks long and dark. I wonder whether I’ve learned what I need to sustain me?

My pop-up desk at home saw me through the first stages of lockdown

Guest post roundup” was posted by Cally on 23 September 2020 at

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