Colour variations
These different colourways are all based on the same pegplan and treadling order with just a few variations in block length and shuttle sequence.
These different colourways are all based on the same pegplan and treadling order with just a few variations in block length and shuttle sequence.
A new warp ready to go: if only I had time to weave it.
An amazing week learning ecological methods of natural dyeing with Michel Garcia.
Grafting in a new warp colour.
There has been weaving. There has also been a symposium.
Looking at ‘Colour from a Different Angle’ in a workshop for Highland Guild of Weavers, Spinners & Dyers.
Trying out some of those new colours on the last little bit of the old warp.
The best kind!
Feeling suddenly all energetic and spring-like, I managed to start warping the Delta.
Sneaking more and more grey into my weaving.