2021 in review
For a stay-at-home year 2021 has been a busy one.
For a stay-at-home year 2021 has been a busy one.
These different colourways are all based on the same pegplan and treadling order with just a few variations in block length and shuttle sequence.
Thread, weave, finish, correct. Thread, weave… and mark.
Double woven versus tubular selvedges for an unforgiving warp.
The Campaign for Wool are on tour in Scotland this week, “celebrating Scotland’s wool industry” with visits to various mills, weavers etc. It’s great to have that energy behind a revival of interest in wool, which truly is an amazing … Read More
I am unreasonably delighted with simple shapes.
Single and double huck.
Oh my, winter is suddenly very close.
Introducing the first pieces.
Weaving progress on the tri-colour warp.