2021 in review
For a stay-at-home year 2021 has been a busy one.
For a stay-at-home year 2021 has been a busy one.
Time to settle in to winter and the backlog of admin.
The best kind!
Zig-zags, triangles, diamonds.
If only I could understand my own notes!
Weave, cut-off, finish, tinker, weave, cut-off, finish, tinker… I enjoy this so much!
Turning thrums into a sample warp.
Finishing up a few warps and (at last!) ready to start a new one.
I am planning the next length of echo weave fabric for Oscha. It is dance-inspired again, and it is going to be packed with Bright.
Exactly as I had imagined them! Only better because they are not just figments of my imagination.