Fortunately Unfortunately


These days, whenever someone asks me how I’m doing, I struggle to frame an answer that doesn’t sound like a game of ‘Fortunately Unfortunately’.

Snow days


Snow white outdoors, rainbow dyepots indoors.

Grey, Orange, Brown


There has been weaving. There has also been a symposium.

Warped at last


A wide warp of wool is finally complete.

A Bit Quiet


Has it been a bit quiet around here? Why yes, it has.

When wool is not lovely


The Campaign for Wool are on tour in Scotland this week, “celebrating Scotland’s wool industry” with visits to various mills, weavers etc. It’s great to have that energy behind a revival of interest in wool, which truly is an amazing … Read More

A day in the Stables


And my goodness, what a busy day it was.

Just over half way


22 sections out of 40.

Before and after


The joy of fulling, or perhaps the joy of having fulled.