Aural Textiles continues


The new team gathered last week in Helmsdale for a sunny weekend of discussion, skill-sharing and collaborative planning.



This weekend I’m taking Bonny Claith to CLOTH, Edinburgh’s curated selling event for handmade textiles.

ETN 2019


A fascinating week of textile talks, exhibitions and heritage in Upper Austria.



Venturing well outside the comfort zone of handweaving for the relaunch of my Bonny Claith brand.

La Vie en Rose


Two structures and two improvisational designs on one painted warp.

New looks inside and out


A new logo, a spring-clean, a settling-in at the new studio… There’s a lot of change in the air.

Studio 405


A new address! Same building, but my looms have climbed back up to the fourth floor.

Distributed Capabilities


The Aural Textiles project is moving into phase two, and there is a new open call for designers, makers and artists who are not working with textiles.

Visual Artist and Craft Maker Award


Exciting news! An award from the VACMA: Dundee programme to develop some new work next year.

Christmas markets


I’m preparing for festive Christmas markets in Dundee and Fife.

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