Colour variations
These different colourways are all based on the same pegplan and treadling order with just a few variations in block length and shuttle sequence.
These different colourways are all based on the same pegplan and treadling order with just a few variations in block length and shuttle sequence.
Too many strands of activity and I get myself in a fankle.
Looking at ‘Colour from a Different Angle’ in a workshop for Highland Guild of Weavers, Spinners & Dyers.
Weaving giant colour gamps for a new workshop.
One of four silk scarves in Goethe’s “serious” colours, inspired by a workshop with the late James Koehler
Let me tell you about this little wrapping here: One of the sources which James Koehler drew on in the colour workshop was the picture you can see here — I am not sure what book it comes from, but … Read More