Sounds like network drafting

On Monday morning when I sat down at the loom, I heard this.

playing the skyline

Two composers were considering the shape of the London skyline and expressing it in music. Sound familiar? I know some weavers use musical scores as the basis for drafting, but perhaps musicians might also consider playing a few network drafted threadings?

I took it to be a very good omen for the week’s weaving, although (as I am once more tunnelling my way through a marking mountain) I haven’t achieved quite as much as a good omen deserves! Never mind, it was fascinating to listen to and there are two more episodes still to come.

By the way, a website migration is in progress. In theory this should be as smooth and seamless as a silk doublecloth tube, but we’ll see…

Sounds like network drafting” was posted by Cally on 16 July 2014 at

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