Every May…

…I fall in love with this rose bush again. It is an old Scots rose, a rosa pimpinellifolia, which grows with reckless abandon and then does its thing, briefly but superbly, in a riot of rosy chaos.

I like the clouds reflected in the window too. And I am relieved to say that I have managed to get back into the studio this week, after the recent hiatus, and get on with some Actual Weaving. This…

…was supposed to be the final piece on this warp, but I seem to have a bit left. I’m not sure how much, but I’ll assume enough for another piece and if I run out sooner then I’ll stop.

On Wednesday I had a wee jaunt to Edinburgh for an event organised by Craft Scotland, which had the aim of bringing makers together with people from the tourism industry. A small group of us here at WASPS have banded together under the heading Discover Craft Dundee in order to offer studio visits and workshops on a larger scale than we can manage individually, and this was our first opportunity to test our ideas with the people who really know the market. We had worked very hard on our proposals so it was good to get some positive feedback, and a useful exercise in dealing with unexpected questions!

In fact, it has been an unusually social week, with a lovely visit today from Dorothy Stewart who is soon to get an exciting new loom. There is always much to talk about between weavers. The rulebook says that looms must be spoken of first, of course, but that conversation must also cover yarns, weave structures, ancillary equipment, exhibitions – and those are just the preliminaries. I do love weave chat, so thanks, Dorothy, for dropping in.

And now May is almost over and I have the feeling I missed quite a lot of it. There are several activities in the calendar for June and July, but the next couple of weeks are looking reasonably quiet. So, barring all the calamities which usually knock me off course when I set out to do some planning, I plan to set out to do some planning…

Every May…” was posted by Cally on 29 May 2015 at http://callybooker.co.uk

Creative Commons License

3 Responses

  1. Alison Daykin

    Lovely rose, Cally, I do love the old varieties!
    Is the the alternative treadling, I spy, from the May Workshop in the Dordogne? Love the colour.
    I must call in for a weaving talk, quit when I don’t know, I don’t make he twice yearly pilgrimage up to Aberdeen now Hannah is working!

    • Cally

      Well spotted, Alison! Yes, it is the advancing point, which I have got advancing and retreating in an overall advancing way… The threading is the same one I had before the workshop, though, so two interleaved threadings rather than a parallel setup.

  2. Dorothy Stewart

    Did we really cover all of that !!