3 Shades of Grey

new work in grey

Dark and light in the warp with a mid-grey weft. In my scant weaving time this week I have been prototyping something new. It cheered me up a bit when I was feeling quite glum: a good opportunity recently presented itself, but I couldn’t make enough time even to try for it.

new grey from the side

The mid-grey is my favourite yarn of this range. It fulls more readily than any of the other colours and really makes a gorgeous soft finish.

There’s a change to the venue for the Make/Share next week, and – even better – it now includes free beer. I have updated this post with the details.

3 Shades of Grey” was posted by Cally on 6 May 2016 at http://callybooker.co.uk

Creative Commons License

3 Responses

  1. Sandra Rude

    Love this one. Tone-on-tone is always elegant.

  2. Sarah McCarthy

    looks very 3 dimensional lovely

  3. apurav

    amazing colour combinations feel soft and cool…….love the weaving techinque and you make these 3 grey family colours high end look…………..