Tying on

Meanwhile, in the studio I have been tying on a short warp of chocolate brown merino/silk to weave a limited edition of zig-zag scarves for the Tea Green event in December.

As I have already said (probably several times), I don’t like tying on a warp at the back of the Megado as my knees and the warp beam want to occupy exactly the same space. And the warp beam always wins. So this time I tried tying on at the front – all the while fighting down my apprehension about beaming the warp through the reed and heddles, as this is a yarn that can pill itself together just from being looked at.

To my amazement, the knots travelled from here…


…to here


without so much as a twinge of a hesitation. Smooth as butter, and the whole warp was beamed in no time. I’ve begun weaving scarf #1, while at home I have started on the inevitable.


Tying on” was posted by Cally on 11 Nov 2016 at http://callybooker.co.uk

Creative Commons License

2 Responses

  1. Alison

    Nice work Cally. Great to get small surprises of joy like that to boost us along. Looking forward now to the end product.

  2. Cally

    Yes, it’s lovely when things go unexpectedly right!