Marking mountain

Yes, I managed to finish the yardage! Cut it off on Tuesday, washed it on Wednesday, pressed and packed it on Thursday and waved goodbye to it on Friday. Much as I would have liked to, I didn’t pause to get proper photos, so I just have a few snaps of it in the laundry basket…

crocus yardage in basket

…and on the dining table as I rolled it up.

crocus yardage all rolled up

It looks oddly different on camera from how it appears in real life – the colours are not far off true, but the relationship between them is much smoother than it seems here, where the stripes seem to be quite shouty. I guess the eye does a better job of integrating the different areas into a coherent whole.

My next task is to scale the first marking mountain of 2015. I’m already through the foothills, but have some serious climbing to do in the next few days. The Delta will have to stay bare for another week at least, while I use my little bit of weaving time to set up for Cambo and finish the warp on the Megado.

Meanwhile, I have been surveying the muddle in the studio with some distaste. I had all sorts of ideas for what I would do in 2015, but in the light of other events some of those plans look decidedly unrealistic. And yet it is hard to know what to drop and what to focus on… I feel I need to shake myself up and start the year again and a spring clean would probably help.

Marking mountain” was posted by Cally on 14 March 2015 at

Creative Commons License

2 Responses

  1. neki rivera

    gorgeous! onward marking soldier.

  2. Cally

    Just passed the halfway mark!