Oh my, winter is suddenly very close. First the sun vanished into a chilly mist and this afternoon it started to rain… and rain… I am mightily thankful for the Gore-Tex lining in my boots. Unfortunately, I suffered significant glove loss last winter, and by March had only left-hand ones. Having failed to address this problem for the last six months, I am disappointed to find that new right-hand gloves have not grown in my pockets, so I will have to do something more proactive.
On the loom I have another Waterfront design underway. And next to the loom I have the heater on…
“Gloves needed” was posted by Cally on 28 Oct 2015 at http://callybooker.co.uk
Betty Bell
I’m always surprised when beautiful October turns cold; knowing where you are, I’ll remember not to whinge and whine about Puget Sound wet. Wine is okay, whine, not! The weaving goes on … and this web is beautiful.
Sandra Rude
Ooh! I like this one, too! We just got back from a chilly, damp Europe, and I sympathize with your feeling that winter is on its way, and in a hurry, too. Stay warm, and grow those gloves quickly.
neki rivera
you are making me want to try huck. having this vision of lace& plain weave on silk.
cold here too, but nice mid morning
Jean Hosford
For what it’s worth, turning a glove inside out allows it to be worn on the opposite hand. I do it all the time at work. Not all gloves respond to this measure….. for example furry pile-lined gloves look silly inside out. Knit or fleece gloves are the best.
That’s a great idea, Jean. I shall have to make reversability a criterion for my new glove selection!