Coming up in 2016

A couple of New Things I thought I’d mention…

In May we have the first Dundee Design Festival to look forward to, and I’m delighted to be participating. We were invited for a sneaky look around the West Ward Works venue the other day and it really took me back to my days in the ‘shed’ at Rolls-Royce. A room as big as a football pitch and that unmistakeable blend of concrete, lino and strange coloured paint that is essential for industry. And look at those pipes! The festival organisers are going to have a lot of fun turning it into an exhibition and event space.

West Ward 01

West Ward 02

In the somewhat cosier setting of my own studio, I have also planned something new: two five-day ‘summer schools‘ in weaving. One is for complete beginners, the other for those with a little weaving experience. If you know someone who would like a week of complete immersion in weaving and design (in a UNESCO City of Design, no less!) then please spread the word.

Studio time has been in short supply but I reckon two more days of marking should see me over the mountain. It has been an enormous amount of very intensive work, and much as I enjoy the interaction with my students, I have been quite exhausted by this particular round – and other tutors have remarked the same. It is partly the timetabling, which means that several deadlines come close together (which you might think the faculty would try to avoid) but there is also something in the nature of the assignments that seems have made it especially difficult. And managing most of it electronically takes a toll on my eyes as well. Never mind: just two days and three more mountains until Seminars…

Coming up in 2016” was posted by Cally on 20 March 2016 at

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