
Fun as it was, my public self was just about worn out by all the festival shenanigans. This week, by way of a contrast, we have exam marking.

I was actually quite glad of it on Monday, but that feeling didn’t last too long! Still, I am enjoying the quiet of working at home. The weather is fine, the old rose by the window is in tumultuous bloom and I can hear blackbirds.

Once the marking is done I need a bit of planning and thinking time. As soon as I get back from Complex Weavers there will be workshops to prepare and teach, exhibits to plan for, new ideas to pursue.

One exciting thing that has happened in the last few months is that I have been accepted for membership of the Society of Designer Craftsmen. I was just in time to sneak my work into the pop-up shop within their summer exhibition at the Mall Galleries in London, so that is something I’m looking forward to.

And behind the scenes I’ve been streamlining my website a bit too, to sit more comfortably with the way my practice is evolving, but there is a lot I have been neglecting.

Here’s a picture of some warp chains. I wound them for a workshop a few weeks ago. Each was destined for a different loom, but I do like the combination.

warp colours

Quiet” was posted by Cally on 2 June 2016 at http://callybooker.co.uk

Creative Commons License

  1. Donna M

    The color combination is lovely.