
Quite a few today. The most serious was leaving my lunch on the kitchen counter. No lunch! It is hardly any wonder that I spent as much time unweaving as I did weaving. I had a bad case of treadle-brain and just couldn’t keep track of where I was. Fortunately, the knots were sighted


which did help me to focus. I finished the weaving but had no time to cut it off the loom. Instead I am on a train to Edinburgh where I will be trained in the art of marking maths assignments online. Really.

Mistakes” was posted by Cally on 13 June 2014 at http://callybooker.co.uk

Creative Commons License

2 Responses

  1. loomtalk

    Without any lunch!

    • Cally

      They did feed me a three course dinner though! Not sure whether that necessarily makes me more receptive to training – perhaps just more likely to fall asleep in class.